Доповніть речення цими словами (pen, powder, shot, vine, savage, stake, pouch, hatchet)
1. In my belt was my best ... .
2. In my ... I had plenty of ... and ...
3. If it were an island, there might be ... on it whom it would not be safe for me to meet. 4. Sometimes I shut myself up in a little.. made by tall ... .
5. Here, too, were fine woods, with many strange trees and..
2. Эксперты, которые изучают языки говорят, что есть 51 другие языки всего один динамик слева – 28 из них в Австралии. Эти языки настолько близки к смерти, что никто не может их Специалисты рассказывают, что из 6000 языков, 3000 исчезнет в ближайшие 100 лет.
3. Есть много причин, почему языки умирают. Иногда стихийные бедствия, такие как землетрясения, наводнения или ураганы внезапно уничтожить небольшие группы людей, которые живут в отдаленных от них местах. Иногда погода меняется, и нет достаточно еды, и иногда чужие люди приносят новые болезни.
4. Но такие катастрофы, как это не самая большая опасность, и не рассказать нам, почему языки исчезают быстрее, чем когда-либо прежде. Реальная проблема исходит от крупных мировых языков, таких как английский, испанский, португальский и французский. Сегодня, в основном благодаря Америке, английский-первый мировой язык, и это очень трудно для малых языков, чтобы выжить.
5. Есть вещи, которые малые общины могут сделать, чтобы сохранить язык, но им необходимо время и деньги. Во-первых, людей нужно записывать язык и запишите его. Затем они должны обучать учителя, и писать учебники по грамматике, словари и учебники для школы.
6. Мы должны заботиться о языках, которые находятся в опасности так же, как мы должны заботиться о редких растениях и животных. Когда умирает один язык не нравится, когда цивилизации, как древние греки или египтяне умирают. Они оставляют после себя сооружения, как пирамиды в Египте и Парфенон в Греции – всегда есть что-то, чтобы показать, что они были там. Но разговорный язык оставляет ничего позади - когда он умирает, есть только тишина.
I would like to tell you about money and happiness. Some days ago I happened to read a very interesting article. I learnt a lot about a certain man. His name is Mark Larsen. It so happened that suddenly he became a famous person.
I would like to tell you about money and happiness. Some days ago I happened to read a very interesting article. I learnt a lot about a certain man. His name is Mark Larsen. It so happened that suddenly he became a famous person. When he was in a grocery store, he bought a lottery ticket just only for fun. When Mark opened it, he was greatly shocked – he won a million pounds! Maybe, you think now that he is a lucky man – he has become a millionaire. Honestly, I had been of the same opinion before I read the following lines: “I have not got any friends, and I am completely lonely. My life was much better when I didn`t have much money”.
I would like to tell you about money and happiness. Some days ago I happened to read a very interesting article. I learnt a lot about a certain man. His name is Mark Larsen. It so happened that suddenly he became a famous person. When he was in a grocery store, he bought a lottery ticket just only for fun. When Mark opened it, he was greatly shocked – he won a million pounds! Maybe, you think now that he is a lucky man – he has become a millionaire. Honestly, I had been of the same opinion before I read the following lines: “I have not got any friends, and I am completely lonely. My life was much better when I didn`t have much money”.I thought about his statement. In my head there was only one question: “Does a lot of money really make you happy?”. Many people think that money brings happiness. However, according to Mark`s story, this is not true. I know that the USA is the richest country, but Americans are not the happiest people in the world.
I would like to tell you about money and happiness. Some days ago I happened to read a very interesting article. I learnt a lot about a certain man. His name is Mark Larsen. It so happened that suddenly he became a famous person. When he was in a grocery store, he bought a lottery ticket just only for fun. When Mark opened it, he was greatly shocked – he won a million pounds! Maybe, you think now that he is a lucky man – he has become a millionaire. Honestly, I had been of the same opinion before I read the following lines: “I have not got any friends, and I am completely lonely. My life was much better when I didn`t have much money”.I thought about his statement. In my head there was only one question: “Does a lot of money really make you happy?”. Many people think that money brings happiness. However, according to Mark`s story, this is not true. I know that the USA is the richest country, but Americans are not the happiest people in the world.Very poor and very rich people are unhappier than those who are in between. For example, very poor people live in overcrowded houses without any running water and with no electricity. There are also many millionaires with personal problems. So what can make us happy? You should have one close relationship and some close friends. You should do a little sport and have a lot of contacts with other people. Other people make you happy, not money!