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I. Переведите следующие предложения, выделите причастия: 1. Electroplating was invented in Russia, its iventor being Russian scientist Yacobi. 2. The bridge having been repaired, we were able to cross the river. 3. Electrons moving through a wire, electrical energy is generated. 4. The vapour pressure of a liquid becoming equal to atmospheric pressure, the liquid boils. 5. Water has a higher specific heat than most of other common substances, the specific heat of iron being approximately one-ninth the heat of water. 6. Any moving object is able to do work, the quantity of kinetic energy depending on its mass and velocity. 7. The temperature of a wire being raised, the random motion of the electrons increases. 8. The current flow having been changed, the direction of the magnetic lines of force also changed. 9. The substance being a dielectric, no current can flow through it. 10. Gases are light substances, the lightest of them being hydrogen.

II. Переведите текст; обратите внимание на перевода независимого причастного оборота, выделите в тексте причастия, определите их (participle 1 or 2) укажите время и залог причастий. Найдите в тексте инфинитив и герундий, выделите (другим цветом): ELECTRIC CURRENT GENERATION The term "electric current" is used to mean electricity which flows through a conductor, a direct current being a current which flows in one direction only. There are four principal ways by which a direct current can be generated, viz.: 1) chemical action; 2) thermal or heat action, the word thermal, coming from the Greek word "therme" which means "heat"; 3) light action; 4) magnetic action. To set up a current by chemical action, an alkali or an acid is used to react with a metal. Such an apparatus is called an electric cell, a group of two or more cells connected together forming a battery. To produce a current by thermal action, heat is applied to two unlike metals soldered together in two places, the apparatus of this kind being called a thermoelectric couple or thermocouple, for short. We get the prefix "thermo" from "thermal", the origin of the last word having been mentioned above. The word "couple" in this term means that two unlike metals or metals and alloys are joined together so that they can be properly heated in the point of the joint. The reason the thermocouple generates a current is due to the fact that the heat tears the electrons off of the negative metal at the junction, just as the chemical action of an electric cell tears the electrons off of the zinc electrode. It is these electrons that form the current flowing through the circuit. To develop a current by light action, light is made to fall on a special kind of a cell, the apparatus to be used in such a case being called a photoelectric cell. Finally, in order to generate a current, a wire is made to cut, that is, to pass through a magnetic field, this latter being set up either by a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. Where the wire cuts through the magnetic field of a permanentьmagnet, the apparatus is called a magneto-electric machine or just "magneto", for short. The wire cutting through the magnetic field of an electromagnet, the apparatus is called a dynamo electric machine, or "dynamo", for short. In general there are a number of ways by which electric currents can be generated by magnetic action, all of them being based on the same principle, that of cutting the magnetic lines of force with a conductor.

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23.08.2021 01:52
I'd like to tell you about my family. my family is neither big nor small, it consists of 4 members - my parents, my younger (elder) sister// brother (здесь выберите подходящий вариант) and me. my mother's name is she is a good-looking 42-year-old woman with big blue eyes and a beaming smile. she doesn't look her age. my mum is a в словаре посмотрите и допишите) she is a very good specialist and she likes her job. she likes the people she works with and the hours are good - she works full-time, but she doesn't have to work overtime. although my mum is a very busy person she manages to keep the house well. i think she is a born housewife because she is excellent at cooking and running the household. she is keen on gardening. she has a green thumb and can work wonders with plants. there are a lot of pot plants at home. they make our home look lovely. my father kostantin grigoryevich is a tall broad-shouldered man with a receding hair line. he is years old. my dad works as a ) he has been a , a worker, a driver) for 10 (20, 25) years. he is good at cars, holding negotiations - как пример, любое действие напишите, в чём ваш папа преуспевает, что у него хорошо получается. не забудьте, что это "что-то" должно стоять в герундиальной форме, то есть с - ing окончанием) he sometimes goes on business for a couple of days, and i miss him greatly, when he is away. he enjoys fishing, so once a month he goes fishing with his friends. my elder sister sveta is a student. she is 4 years older than me. we get on well together. i am a . i study at the faculty . i am in the first year. i am fond of хобби)
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01.03.2023 09:02


Напишите небольшой рассказ.

Напишите небольшой рассказ.1. Рассказ должен содержать следующие слова:

Напишите небольшой рассказ.1. Рассказ должен содержать следующие слова:Переполненный автобус, клясться, главная черта, кричать в гневе, пригород дорога, суматошный

Напишите небольшой рассказ.1. Рассказ должен содержать следующие слова:Переполненный автобус, клясться, главная черта, кричать в гневе, пригород дорога, суматошный2. Сюда входят прямая и косвенная речь, страдательный залог и любой тип условных предложений.

Напишите небольшой рассказ.1. Рассказ должен содержать следующие слова:Переполненный автобус, клясться, главная черта, кричать в гневе, пригород дорога, суматошный2. Сюда входят прямая и косвенная речь, страдательный залог и любой тип условных предложений.3. Опишите эти события в занимательной форме.

Напишите небольшой рассказ.1. Рассказ должен содержать следующие слова:Переполненный автобус, клясться, главная черта, кричать в гневе, пригород дорога, суматошный2. Сюда входят прямая и косвенная речь, страдательный залог и любой тип условных предложений.3. Опишите эти события в занимательной форме.4. Сделайте неожиданный финал.

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