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15.01.2022 22:31 •  Английский язык

Используй эти слова:
application form - анкета
career path - карьерная стезя
entrance exam/fees - вступительный экзамен/сборы
part-time course - курс с частичной занятостью
training course - учебный курс
university course/degree/exam/fees - университетский курс/степень/экзамен/сборы
work experience - опыт работы ​

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18.04.2022 19:46
In market economies economic systems are typically subdivided into three sectors. This subdivision (is based) in part on economic activities pursued and in part on the type of wants satisfied. The primary sector comprises basic activities, the extraction of economic goods from nature: agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, though the extraction of minerals (is frequently assigned) to the secondary sector which comprises handicrafts and industrial manufacturing of goods and certain material services such as fuel and power and the provision of water. Lastly, the tertiary sector (consists of) all final services: trade, transport, banking and insurance, public services, etc.
In this context it is worth analysing the development of British economy since the British were Europe's first industrial nation.
Anyone who (studies) economics knows that in every country the first resource is land. Densely-populated Britain has not much of it, but until the 18th century England's economy (had been based) on agriculture and the manufacture of woolen cloth. In the late 18th century, the Industrial Revolution (allowed) Britain to become the first industrialized trading nation.
For 200 years manufacturing has been more important, but by the 1970s it (had been) clear the Britain's old manufacturing industries were less progressive than the same industries in other Western European countries. Newer industries, such as car manufacture, were no better than the older ones like textiles. In general, the value of goods produced by a hundred workers had for many years increased much less than in West Germany. In some factories there (was) not enough new equipment; in others, new equipment was not being used efficiently. Many of the old industries (were owned) by the state.
After 1979, when Mrs. Thatcher's government (came) to power the nationalization process (was reversed), many enterprises (were sold) off to the private sector. Many plants (were closed) and in a few years those which survived were no longer needing subsidies. New "high-tech" industries developed. Although manufacturing continues to play an important role, the number of people employed in manufacturing (fell) by a quarter in 1979-84.
Contrary to the secondary sector, the service industries expanded. More than half of all working people, whether employees or self-employed, are now providing services, working for schools, hospitals, social services, in public administration, in finance, banking, insurance, advertising, catering and entertainment.
Another recent change has been in the growth of self-employment. During the 1980s, the number of people working for themselves, and not as employees, (has risen) by half, from two million to almost three million, or more than one-tenth of the whole working population. This development (is encouraged) by the government through training courses and tax incentives.
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07.02.2023 22:01
School really plays an important role in our life. You may like it or you may not but we spend so much time at school that it becomes our second home. And no doubt this is true. What is the role of school in modern age? First of all it is making students literate. All students study for eleven years to get knowledge. And the most important role of school is giving knowledge. There are students who like studying because they are doing well in most subjects and they are going to continue their education after school, get higher education. But for those who are not successful in schooling and who are always pressed by their parents and teachers school becomes boring and not interesting. The education given at our school is of a very high standard. I'm a good student actually and I don't have many problems with schooling. I generally get on quite well with the teachers. I am quite successful in class and I usually go to school with pleasure, because I like my school and my teachers. I think school gives me not only knowledge. Children are taught real life there. School helps us understand our life better. School is a place where we create and develop our relationships, are taught to be tolerant and respect one another. And school teaches us principles and how not to lose face in difficult situations. At school we can enjoy different cultural activities and show our talents. Everyone can take part in a school performance or a class party or take part in a sport competition. All this helps to create good atmosphere and relations among classmates. We want to be friends with everyone. However, I think that sometimes we have too much homework. Teachers and parents think that doing homework helps us to develop the student's ability to work without assistance, or that additional work could help us complete our education successfully. But I believe, in many subjects, homework is totally unnecessary, because it doesn't do me any good. I think it's really stupid to copy from a textbook. Less homework would give more time to take up hobbies and interests. We are human beings who want to be heard and understood and only then taught. And only sensitive teachers can do this well. So a teacher is a key figure in our education. Teachers come to your mind first when you think about school years. A good teacher must be intelligent and fair. I think that I'm lucky. All of my teachers are very intelligent and interesting. Most of my teachers have a lot of teaching experience. They help us to learn all subjects well. They share their knowledge and experience with us, and we respond with love. If we do something wrong our teachers do not criticize us they always try to tell what was wrong in this or that action, they express their opinion helping to solve the problem. I am not going to speak about all our teachers, they have different methods of teaching. But I think any teacher should remember that they are responsible for student's character and behavior too. They have become like parents to us. They support us and care for us. I'm happy at my school and so are my classmates. And will remember with pleasure everything what I have had at school.
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