Match the word - part of speech - translation. Word Part of speech Translation
1. to relate noun A. not connected in any way to
smb or smth
2. related noun B. the way in which two people or
two groups feel about each other
and behave towards each other
3. unrelated adjective C. a member of the family
4. a relation past participle D. connected in some way
5. a relationship verb E. compared to smb / smth or to each other
6. a relative past participle F. to show or make a con-
nection between two or more things
7. relative noun G. a connection between two
or more things
I'd like to describe picture number three. in the picture we can see a girl playing the piano. The girl is in her teens. she's got long straight dark hair. she's wearing a blue blouse and light blue jeans.
she's sitting on the chair in front of the piano. she's in Music classroom, I suppose. there is a green plant on the piano. there is a bookcase with lots of books next to the girl. The girl is looking at her hands and the piano-keys. She is trying to do her best. I like this picture because it reminds me about my music classes. In my childhood I learnt to play the guitar.