Определите языковые дифференциации существительных по признаку пола в следующих высказываниях: 1. The tom-cat was sleeping on the window-sill.
2. Australia and her people invoke everyone’s interest.
3. Next week we are going to speak about the continent of Australia: its climate and nature.
4. The tale says that the Mouse was courageous, he never let down his friends when they were in danger.
5. Something is wrong with my car, I can’t start her.
6. I saw a car on the beach; its windows were broken.
7. They have got five cows and a bull, two cocks and three dozen hens, a drake and ten ducks.
8. His new yacht is very expensive; he paid about a million dollars for her.
9. A woman-doctor was to operate on the patient.
10. A he-goat is more difficult to tame than a she-goat.
1). я полагаю, вы думаете, что я пытался заставить ее подкупить меня, чтобы заставить замолчать.
2. никем не замеченная, она стояла в дверях и смотрела, как Кейт усыпляет одного из своих детей.
3. "Эта маленькая девочка не доставит мне никаких хлопот и будет хорошо ко мне относиться, так что Элли, держи себя в руках, это не твое свидание, верно? Не подшивай на меня. Не хрюкай. Не дави. Не Берд-дог. Не преследуй меня, - сказал он быстрым бессмысленным голосом.
4. Она не торопил его.
5)5. около года назад начали появляться слухи о том, что у Брауна проблемы с наркотиками.
1. We have a large family. 2. My granny often tells us long interesting stories. 3. My father is an engineer. He works at a factory. The factory is large. 4. My mother is a doctor. She works at a large hospital. She is at work now. 5. My aunt is a teacher. She works at school. The school is good. My aunt is not at school now. She is at home. She is drinking tea and eating jam. The jam is sweet. I am at home too. I am drinking tea and eating a sandwich. The sandwich is tasty. 6. My sister is at school. She is a pupil. 7. My cousin has a big black cat. My cousin’s cat has two kittens. The cat likes milk. The kittens like milk too. 8. I am an engineer. 9. My son is a pupil. 10. He is a good pupil. 11. This is a house. 12. This is my pencil. 13. You have some pencils, but I have no pencil. Give me a pencil, please.