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B) little
C) a little
D) a few
E) more
22. Choose the correct form of the verb: Don't disturb them they ... for the exam
A) are preparing
B) preparing
C) is preparing
D) am preparing
E) prepare
23. Use the correct tense form: He said that he ... the English courses
A) has attended
B) attended
C) attends
D) attending
E) is attending
24. Choose the correct definition of the word: Steppe
A) a large area of land without trees
B) a human being
C) people who live in Scotland
D) an irish dance
E) the art of training the body
25. Express in one word: A wool producing country in Great Britain
A) the Cambrians
B) moors
C) the Fens
D) the Scott Country
E) the Cheviots
26. Choose the suitable word: In the XIX century Akmola was a popular trading and economic steppe
A) monument
B) embankment
C) country
D) architecture
E) centre
27. Choose English equivalent to the word: Япония
A) Denmark
B) Japan
C) Poland
D) Germany
E) Netherlands
28. Choose the word opposite in meaning: To enter
A) to swim
B) to run
C) to exit
D) to go
E) to come
29. Fill in prepositions or adverbs: Let's have a tramp the country lanes
A) over
B) of
C) in
D) on
E) down
30. Choose the correct definition of the word: Weather
A) water falling from the clouds
B) sitting in strong sunlight in order to make the body brown
C) a period of seven days
D) a condition of wind, rain, sunshine, snow at a certain time
E) a description of weather conditions
31. Choose the word close in meaning: To settle
A) tease
B) arrange
C) get
D) decide
E) realize
32. Choose the proper word and word-combination mind synonyms: To take an examination in English
A) to go in English
B) to have a test in English
C) to test in English
D) to fail an examination in English
E) to pass an examination in English
33. Choose the word and word- combination opposite in meaning: To see the old year out
A) to see the Christmas
B) to meet santa clause
C) to say good bye to the old year
D) to meet the new year
E) to see the new year in
34. Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence: We... already .. a lot of english words
A) were, learned
B) has, learnt
C) were, learning
D) are, learning
E) have, learnt
35. Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence: Last night I... tired and ... to bed very early
A) am feeling, going
B) felt, had gone
C) felt, was going
D) feel, went
E) felt, went
36. Choose the proper article: We have had... great fun
A) at
B) an
C) -
D) the
E) a
37. Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence: He... to the south a
week ago
A) had gone
B) has gone
C) went
D) goes
E) will go
38. Choose the word close in meaning: More
A) much
B) a lot of
C) most
D) many
E) still
39. Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence: I... my homework when mother came home
A) was doing
B) were doing
C) had done
D) did
E) shall do
40. Choose the word and the word-combination opposite in meaning: To fall behind the group in grammar
A) to catch up with the group in grammar
B) to go before the group in grammar
C) to help to the group in grammar
D) to run up with the group in grammar
E) to stay with the group

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05.09.2022 11:40


Do you already know where you'll spend the summer? - Yes, I will go to the sea, like last year. "Are you going to collect as many suitcases?" "No, this time I'll try to be more careful with my luggage." And where are you going? - My route is simple: first we will go camping with friends, and then I will go to relatives in the village - I will swim in the river and sunbathe in the sun in the country wilderness.

2 The husband, wife and four of their children spent the weekend in the village. In the evening, returning, they decided to take a taxi. "How much will you take us to Lenox Street?" Asked the husband. "You and your wife for two dollars; children will take free of charge "- the driver answered. "Excellent, guys," said the father, "you go home, and my mother and I will take the subway."

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17.02.2023 04:31
Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom, located on the British Isles and occupying approximately 30% of the island. The total area of the state is about 78 thousand km2. It can be divided into eight parts: Central Scotland, South West, Edinburgh, Glasgow, West Coast, Orkney and Shetland Islands, Inverness and Highlands, Aberdeenshire and Grampian Highlands.

Nowadays, this country is one of the most visited tourist places in the whole world. Its popularity is usually connected with its best-known and unique liquors, doodlesacks, haggis and tartan as well as its spectacular and astonishing landscapes. Scotland has a great history studded with thrilling myths, tales and legends. Many people dream of visiting Loch Ness which is considered to be one of the Scotland’s largest lakes, because they hope to see the legendary Loch ness monster there and take some photos with it.

Шотландия является частью Соединённого Королевства, расположенной на Британских островах и занимающей примерно 30% острова. Общая площадь государства составляет приблизительно 78 тысяч км2. Его можно разделить на 8 частей: Центральная Шотландия, Юго-западная Шотландия, Эдинбург, Глазго, Западное побережье, Оркни и Шетландские острова, Инвернесс и Шотландское нагорье, Абердиншир и Грампианские горы.На сегодняшний день, эта страна является одним из наиболее посещаемых туристами мест во всем мире. Ее популярность обычно связана как с ее хорошо-известными и уникальными ликером, волынками, хаггисом и шотландкой, так и с потрясающими и восхитительными пейзажами. Шотландия имеет потрясающую историю, усыпанную приводящими в трепет мифами и легендами. Многие люди мечтают посетить ЛохНесс, которое считается одним из самых крупных озер Шотландии, так как надеются увидеть там легендарное Лохнесское чудовище и сделать с ним несколько фотографий.
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