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13.03.2023 08:36 •  Английский язык

с английским Compare the prices of the different services. Use the phrases in the cloud.
e.g. The cost of a perm is greater than the cost of a wash and blow dry.
cheaper than more expensive than
greater than less than
1 The cost of a perm/ a wash and blow dry.
2 The price of a hair cut for men / the price of a hair cut for women.
3 The cost of a wash/ the cost of a hair cut.
4 A new style / a blow dry.​

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01.08.2021 13:43

My motto in life has always been “Fight and seek, find and not give up”. He helps to be bold and decisive, like Sanya Grigoriev, to look for his place in life and at the same time remain a decent person and not forget about duty and honor. Captain Tatarinov walked to the very end, remaining a real man even in the most difficult conditions of the north. His fate was intertwined with a strange and incomprehensible way with the fate of a boy who could not speak. And so sometimes our destinies turn out to be connected with different people who help us to believe and not give up, go forward.

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22.03.2023 12:18

The world of childhood is a magical world in which a child can play with dolls, cars, and a ball. And although childhood passes very quickly, it is still very interesting, bright and fun. This is an unforgettable time, a time of dreams, sincere joy and growing up of a child. We must not forget childhood, and we must cherish it in our hearts, and then it will not forget us.Childhood, all about which we can read on the page - it's carefree, fun, joy of every person. When we think about our childhood, we can never say that it was bad for us or that we were bored. These are always good, kind and happy memories of our lives. We grow up, learn about life, and become aware of reality at this age. That is why they start going to school from the age of 6-8 years. We better remember the alphabet, the multiplication table, the rules of the Russian language and other useful information. And children who come to school for the first time still feel like children. They bring toys, dolls and cars with them to classes, and do not realize that this is already, even if it is a small step into the beginning of adult life.

Childhood is freedom, when there are no responsibilities, problems and worries. Many adults often say: "How good it is to be small! You can sleep as long as you want, you can wake up, go to the window and watch people hurry about their business, listen to the noise of the city outside the window. All day you can play different games: hide-and-seek - and hide anywhere, catch-up-run away, for example, from your grandmother. Then you can walk in the fresh air, bask in the sun, lie on the grass and enjoy your freedom. But this is only a dream, because you can not return your childhood!»Every child has a family. The family is the protector. No matter what happens to a child in childhood, no matter who offended him, only in the family there is understanding, support and protection. Perhaps that is why in childhood it is so easy and carefree to live, because parents and family are always on guard. In childhood, there are many different events, and if you eventually forget what happened to you as a child, then mom or dad will always tell you about it.As a child, every holiday pleases us. Always reminds you of delicious cakes, fun and gifts. A birthday is the day we get a year older. We are waiting for him and rejoice in him. Parents congratulate, hugging and kissing, friends come and give gifts. All the kids love it so much!I believe that the world of childhood is a wonderful period in the life of every person. All people have it in different ways, but I have not heard from any person that he said that childhood was bad. After all, there are still some bright unforgettable moments in the life of every person in childhood. After all, childhood is great!In our childhood, there are also unforgettable dates. This can be any trip, travel, and much more. When we talk about it, of course, we are happy and smile, remembering where we have been. Since childhood, we always remember our happy moments, interesting trips.Childhood passes very quickly for everyone, including me. There were many happy moments in my childhood. I would like to mention my mother and I, when we went to Yekaterinburg with my mother, visiting entertainment attractions and especially riding on the "Roller Coaster". I really wanted to ride them, and my mother let me. Since then, I really like this attraction. I will never forget the first time I visited the Limpopo Water Park. Unforgettable are the sensations when you roll down a slide or swing in the pool on artificial waves, as if in the sea. These are amazing memories from my childhood!Yes, maybe as a child you are under the good supervision of your parents, and this only improves your life. Your parents love you, take care of you, and will never let you get hurt. I think that as a child, you live as if in a magical land, in which everything shimmers with different colors and colors, everything sparkles with happiness. Despite the fact that children gradually grow up, the magical land of childhood accompanies a person for many years. Children become adults and smart with age, but they will never forget this magical land – their first school of life, their little life. We all grow up…But you should never forget it, you should remember it with joyful feelings, because these are the first steps in our current, almost adult, life, our first ideas, thoughts and desires. Cherish childhood in your heart, and it will always warm you with a happy thought about it.


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