с домашним заданием. 14 во на тему Question Tag. Complete the sentence with a question tag.
1. Tom won’t be late, ?
2. These cups are dirty, ?
3. She has just bought the new CD, ?
4. She has just bought the new CD, ?
5. Let’s talk about plane crash in the Bermuda triangle, ?
6. Bill Robins is a very rich man, ?
7. We don’t get discoveries like that every day, ?
8. This homework isn’t very hard, ?
9. We have got a lot of films, ?
10. You are studying English, ?
11. There is a big black piano in our living room, ?
12. I didn’t use to drink coffee, ?
13. I am a schoolboy, ?
14. The teacher can’t hear us, ?
2.Has she gone on a voyage with her husband? No,she has not gone on a voyage with her husband.
3.Have ve seen a comedy on TV? No,we have not seen a comedy on TV.
4. The Representatives have not been to the plant on Monday.Have the representatives been to the plant on Monday?
5.They have not taken part in the experiments.Have they taken part in the experements?
6.Have you looked through the offer for compressors? You have not looked through the offer for compressors.
7.they have not made up the contract for reading technical assistance. Have they made up the contract for reading technical assistance?
8.Has she collected the mail? She has not collected the mail.
9.Has she seen today's papers and letters? She has not seen today's papers and letters.
10. The Managers have not studied the offer. Have the managers studied the offer?
Выставки в области сельского хозяйства, промышленности, искусств, садоводства и ремесел — все это о фестивале клубнике во Флориде, где из года в года разворачиваются клубничные поля площадью не меньше восьми тысяч акров. Ну а как иначе — только в округе Хиллсборо насчитывается 2800 ферм. Возвращаясь к фестивалю, стоит отметить, что он не обходится без красочного парада, вручения награды Человеку года и конкурса красоты.
Фестиваль проводится во Флориде с 1930-го года. В последние годы он неизменно привлекает не меньше полумиллиона посетителей. Кроме того, по итогам ежегодного голосования, его регулярно причисляют к 50-ти лучших ярмаркам Америки