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Сократите текст для пересказа: 1. Respiration occurs in all living things, both plants and animals.The рroper function of this system is perhaps the most important one in the sustaining of life. Interruption of breathing for only a few minutes by suffocation or strangulation causes death. In the human organism, respiration consists of those processes by which the body cells and tissues make use of oxygen and by which carbon dioxide or the waste products of respiration are removed.

2. Inhaled air contains about 20 per cent oxygen and four hundredths of one per cent carbon dioxide. Exhaled air consists of approximately 16 per cent oxygen and 4 per cent carbon dioxide. Nitrogen, which makes up about 79 per cent of the atmosphere, is not involved in the breathing process. When air is inhaled into the lungs, a portion of the oxygen is passing into the blood and is being circulated through the body. At the same time, carbon dioxide is being diffused out of the blood into the lungs and exhaled.

3. Air is breathed through either the mouth or nose into the oral cavity, or pharynx. It then passes through the voice box, or larynx, into the windpipe, or trachea. The trachea ultimately divides into two smaller tubes, bronchi, one is going to each lung. The bronchi divide into tiny passage-ways that are named bronchioles, which lead directly to minute air sacs, or alveoli. The exchange of life-giving gases is effected through the walls of the alveoli.

5. Other structures which are connected with the system include: the laryngeal tonsils, which are masses of tissue in the nasopharynx or posterior portions of the nasal passages (adenoids are infected or diseased laryngeal tonsils); the sinuses, cavities in the bones in the front part of the skull that provide resonance to the voice, and the pleura, a doublewalled membrane which surrounds the lungs.

6. When the diaphragm contracts and flattens, it contributes to the extension of the vertical diameter of the thoracic cavity. Air is constantly renewing in the lungs. The capacity of the air passages is increasing. Any muscular effort, e.g. even standing up, increases the number of respirations.

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07.06.2022 10:46

Plastics are non-metallic, synthetic, carbon-based materials. They can be moulded, shaped, or extruded into flexible sheets, films, or fibres. Plastics are synthetic polymers. Polymers consist of long-chain molecules made of large numbers of identical small molecules (monomers). The chemical nature of a plastic is defined by the monomer (repeating unit) that makes up the chain of the polymer. Polyethene is a polyolefin; its monomer unit is ethene (formerly called ethylene). Other categories are acrylics (such as polymethylmethacrylate), styrenes (such as polystyrene), vinys (such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC)), polyesters, polyurethanes, polyamides (such as nylons), polyethers, acetals, phenolics, cellulosics, and amino resins. The molecules can be either natural — like cellulose, wax, and natural rubber — or synthetic — in polyethene and nylon. In co-polymers, more than one monomer is used.The giant molecules of which polymers consist may be linear, branched, or cross-linked, depending on the plastic. Linear and branched molecules are thermoplastic (soften when heated), whereas cross-linked molecules are thermosetting (harden when heated).Most plastics are synthesized from organic chemicals or from natural gas or coal. Plastics are light-weight compared to metals and are good electrical insulators. The best insulators now are epoxy resins and teflon. Teflon or polytetrafluoroethene (PTFE) was first made in 1938 and was produced commercially in 1950.Plastics can be classified into several broad types.1. Thermoplastics soften on heating, then harden again when cooled. Thermoplastic molecules are also coiled and because of this they are flexible and easily stretched.Typical example of thermoplastics is polystyrene. Polystyrene resins are characterized by high resistance to chemical and mechanical stresses at low temperatures and by very low absorption of water. These properties make the polystyrenes especially suitable for radio-frequency insulation and for parts used at low temperatures in refrigerators and in airplanes. PET (polyethene terephthalate) is a transparent thermoplastic used for soft-drinks bottles. Thermoplastics are also viscoelastic, that is, they flow (creep) under stress. Examples are polythene, polystyrene andPVC.2. Thermosetting plastics (thermosets) do not soften when heated, and with strong heating they decompose. In most thermosets final cross-linking, which fixes the molecules, takes place after the plastic has already been formed.Thermosetting plastics have a higher density than thermoplastics. They are less flexible, more difficult to stretch, and are less subjected to creep. Examples of thermosetting plastics include urea-formaldehyde or polyurethane and epoxy resins, most polyesters, and phenolic polymers such as phenol-formaldehyde resin.3. Elastomers are similar to thermoplastics but have sufficient cross-linking between molecules to prevent stretching and creep.


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07.10.2020 02:18
Мой любимый ТВ программа является одним из Дмитрия Крылова. Это еженедельная программа. Это транслируется в воскресенье. Эта программа очень популярна в нашей стране. Они показывают много исторических мест, рассказывают интересные факты о разных странах и городах, широковещательных интервью с известными людьми. Мне нравится эта программа, и постарайтесь не пропустить его. Я предпочитаю смотреть молодежные программы, такие как "Пока все это дома" в воскресенье и "Утренняя звезда". Кроме того, я хотел бы видеть интересные фильмы. Они могли бы быть особенность, приключения, научную, ужас, мультфильмов и другие фильмы. Мне очень нравится видеть cartoons.Now Уолта Диснея, а затем я хотел бы видеть познавательные программы: "Что? Где? Когда? "," Брейн-ринг "Они приятные и развлекательные программы.

My favourite TV programme is one made by Dmitriy Krylov. It is a weekly programme. It is broadcast on Sunday. This programme is very popular in our country. They show many historical places, tell interesting facts about different countries and cities, broadcast interviews with famous people. I like this programme and try not to miss it.I prefer to watch youth programmes such as “While Everybody’s at Home” on Sunday and “The Morning Star”. In addition I like to see interesting films. They might be feature, adventure, scientific, horror, cartoon and other films. I enjoy seeing Walt Disney’s cartoons.Now and then I like to see cognitive programmes: “What? Where? When?”, “Brain-ring”   They are enjoyable and entertaining programmes.
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