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Test VI A) 1. I (see) a very good film last week. You (see) it yet?
2. What films (be) on now? - I (not, know).
3. Are you going to the post-office? - I already (be) there.
4. What is she doing? - She (make) a cake.
5.1 (phone) you as soon as I get home after work.
6.1 saw Tom only (a few, a little) days ago.
7. Take (off, of, on) your coat. It's warm here.
8. I (prefer) food which is not hot.
9. I'm very tired. I (not, sleep) for 2 days.
10. Quick! Take the kettle off the cooker. The water (boil).
11. Jane (recover) yet? No, she still (be) in hospital.
12. If he goes (on, by) car, I'll join him.
13. How (much, many) does this coat cost?
14. Would you like (a, the, —) glass of milk?
15. He (live) in Spain when he was a child.
16. Alice (not, go) to work by bus, she lives near her office.
17. What you (do) when Ben phoned?
18. They (move) into their new flat yet?
19. Do you know what they (discuss) now?
20. The problem was (serious) than we expected.

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08.04.2023 07:08

First of all, these animals are smart and can provide various benefits to people. There are guide ones for disabled people, they assist a blind man cross the street or travel through the city or home without any accidents. Secondly, some of them have a real job: they work in police, firefighting, search and rescue services and operations. They can pull children from the fire when all exits are locked or find a wounded man trapped in wrecked vehicles. Besides, their power of scent can help to prevent numerous drug-related crimes, bomb explosions and find lost people or fleeing felons. Thirdly, these animals are perfect guardians and helpers in hunting.

Moreover, dogs feel the mood of their masters; understand the body language and emotions. That’s why a pet tries to be closer to its master when she or he is thrilled, depressed, cheerful or sad.

Furthermore, dogs are not vindictive pets unlike most of animals. Even if you once hit your pet, play with its tail, speak to it in a gross manner, and ignore it, a dog will forget it soon and will treat you like the best bud in five minutes. This is due to the fact that these animals have poor short-term memories, but good long-term ones. An additional point is that a dog generally defeats its master in case of emergency, even if they are not best friends.

To put it simply, when you’ve got the pet, you’ve found a new friend and family’s member. Dogs are active, intelligent and friendly. These pets can make people feel secure and loved.

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08.04.2023 07:08

The weather forecast for today was rather good. But for the last week the weather has changed several times. I think it's unsettled yet. That's why I am not sure that the weather today will be as fine as the weather report has said.

In the morning when I woke up the sky was all covered with clouds. It seemed to me that it had been raining hard at night. There were puddles everywhere. And the mist was clearing up.

Then at about nine o'clock it cleared up. The sun began shining brightly. But the east wind began to blow. There was quite a chill in the air this morning. Later the temperature began to go up. Now it's getting warmer. But all the same I don't think that the heat will kill us today.

By the way according to the weather forecast it will be cloudy today with rain in places. I am almost sure that in an hour or so it'll start drizzling and it will go on till night.

I don't like such weather. If it's summer the weather must be warm and even hot. In summer I like to see a blue sky without any clouds. And if it rains let it be a thunderstorm with lightnings and thunder. But in half an hour after it the puddles must dry up. It's awfully dull when it's drizzling from early morning till late at night.

I like a light breeze but not a hard wind which blows off the hats of the passers-by and brings cold air.

And the main thing I don't like about the weather is its ability to change quite suddenly and certainly at the wrong moment, for example, when we are going to go to the beach.

Прогноз погоди на сьогодні був досить хорошим. Але за останній тиждень погода змінювалася декілька разів. Я вважаю, що вона ще нестабільна. Саме тому я не впевнений, що погода сьогодні буде така ж гарна, як говорили синоптики.

Уранці, коли я прокинувся, небо було повністю покрите хмарами. Здається, вночі дуже дощило. Усюди були калюжі. І розсіювався туман.

Потім близько дев'ятої години стало ясно. Сонце почало яскраво сяяти. Але почав дути східний вітер. Сьогодні з ранку було дуже холодно. Пізніше температура почала підніматися. Тепер стає тепліше. Але все-таки я не думаю, що ми сьогодні помремо від спеки.

Між іншим, згідно прогнозу погоди, сьогодні буде хмарно подекуди з дощем. Я майже впевнений, що десь за годину почне мжичити дощ і продовжуватиме до ночі;

Я не люблю таку погоду. Якщо зараз літо, погода повинна бути теплою і навіть спекотною. Улітку я люблю бачити блакитне небо без хмар. І якщо йде дощ, нехай це буде злива з грозою. Але через півгодини після цього калюжі повинні зникнути. Дуже нудно, коли дощ мжичить з раннього ранку до пізньої ночі.

Мені подобаються легкий вітерець але не сильний вітер, який зриває капелюхи з перехожих і приносить холодне повітря.

І головне, що я не люблю в погоді — її здатність змінюватися дуже раптово і в незручний момент, наприклад, коли ми збираємося йти на пляж.

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