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Вопрос 4 once you … a life of crime it can be very difficult to get out. выберите один ответ: a. had begun b. begin c. began вопрос 5 текст вопроса when you get …, the police take your fingerprints and keep them on file. выберите один ответ: a. arrest b. arrested c. be arrested вопрос 6 teenagers have to … petty crimes, such as shoplifting, in order to be accepted by the gang. выберите один ответ: a. do b. make c. commit вопрос 7 what made you … harry was pretending to be ill. выберите один ответ: a. to think b. thought c. think вопрос 8 even the most ancient peoples compiled law codes, …? выберите один ответ: a. don't they b. didn't they c. aren't they вопрос 9 his flat was broken into last night, and his stereo выберите один ответ: a. was stolen b. had stolen c. stole вопрос 10 yesterday he … due to the lack of evidence. выберите один ответ: a. released b. has been released c. was released вопрос 11 when someone does something … the law the police must try to find out what happened. выберите один ответ: a. opposite b. against c. of вопрос 12 helen always … a personal alarm with her. выберите один ответ: a. is carried b. carries c. has carried вопрос 13 the accused … in custody until the trial begins. выберите один ответ: a. has been kept b. was kept c. is being kept вопрос 14 a new supermarket is going to year. выберите один ответ: a. be building b. build c. be built вопрос 15 when the police arrived, all the eye-witnesses … in the hall by the bank. выберите один ответ: a. was gathered b. have gathered c. gathered вопрос 16 for conviction of a crime, an unanimous verdict of guilty … выберите один ответ: a. requires b. is required c. are required вопрос 17 a solicitor … petty crimes and some matrimonial matters in magistrates courts. выберите один ответ: a. is dealt with b. deals with c. are dealt with вопрос 18 the young boy tried to … the old man’s pocket but the security guard saw what he was doing. выберите один ответ: a. take b. pick c. fit вопрос 19 after the volcanic eruption of 1957 the railway station выберите один ответ: a. has been destroyed b. destroyed completely c. was completely destroyed вопрос 20 текст вопроса ‘where ’ ‘in london’. выберите один ответ: a. were you born b. have you been born c. are you born вопрос 21 the witness appeared in court and … his testimony. выберите один ответ: a. had given b. gave c. has given вопрос 22 there’s somebody walking behind us. i think выберите один ответ: a. we are following b. we are being following c. we are being followed вопрос 23 paul … self-defence classes last year. выберите один ответ: a. will attend b. attended c. had attended вопрос 24 they want to make my … brother become a lawyer. выберите один ответ: a. old b. elder c. older вопрос 25 if the boys …, they will be charged with burglary. выберите один ответ: a. has been caught b. were caught c. are caught вопрос 26 the case … before the court tomorrow. выберите один ответ: a. will bring b. will have been brought c. will be brought вопрос 27 the jury … to all the evidence and then makes their decision. выберите один ответ: a. was listened b. listened c. listens вопрос 28 secret service agents quickly … the men. выберите один ответ: a. disarmed b. had disarmed c. has disarmed вопрос 29 we a loud noise during the night. выберите один ответ: a. woke up b. are woken up c. were woken up

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05.04.2021 03:15

In Russian, people bake bread, called Kulich, and paint boiled eggs for Easter. - В России люди пекут хлеб, который называется Кулич, и красят вареные яйца на Пасху. 

During the last week before Great Lean, called Maslenitsa, Russians eat pancakes and burn the Maslenitsa doll made out of straw in a bonfire. - В течение надели до Великого Поста, которая называется масленица, русские едят блины и сжигают чучело из саломы на костре. 

On January the 14th, many people celebrate the Old New Year, which is considered the start of the new year by the Julian calendar. - 14 января многие люди отмечают старый новый год, что считается началом нового года по юлианскому календарю. 

Thousands of Russians celebrate the Baptism of Christ by submerging their bodies in the freezing water of lakes and they also bring home the holy water from churches. - Тысячи россиян отмечают Крещение Господне окунаясь в ледяную воду в озерах и так же они приносят святую воду из церквей. 

On the night of Ivan Kupala, girls make wreaths and let them float down the river and later everyone goes through the forests in search of a fern flower.- В ночь Ивана Купалы девушки делают венки и пускают их по течению реки, а позже все идут в лес в поисках цветка папоротника.

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30.11.2022 00:33

All 1) _ decisions___ tend to have lower courts, 2) ___ appeals courts __ and high/supreme courts. The role of each and its 3) _ jurisdictions _ is strictly defined in relation to other courts. There are two main reasons for having 4) ___ a variety of courts __. One reason is that a particular court can 5) specialize in _ particular types of legal actions, for example, family courts and 6) ___ youth __ courts. The other reason is that if a person considers that his case was 7) ___ unfairly treated __ in a lower court he can 8) __ appeal to ___ a higher court which can reverse or uphold the decision of a lower court. The decisions of a higher court 9) __ are binding upon ___ lower courts. At the top of this hierarchy is 10) __, a supreme judicial body ___, but the process of taking an action from a lower court to the highest court may be very costly and 11) ___ time-consuming ))__.

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