They climbed the mountain without the guide.
Общий: Did they climb the mountain without the guide?
Разделительный: They climbed the mountain without the guide, didn't they?
Альтернативный: Did they climb the mountain with or without the guide?
Специальный: What did they do without the guide?
К подлежащему: Who climbed the mountain without the guide?
They climbed the mountain without the guide.
Общий: Did they climb the mountain without the guide?
Разделительный: They climbed the mountain without the guide, didn't they?
Альтернативный: Did they climb the mountain with or without the guide?
Специальный: What did they do without the guide?
К подлежащему: Who climbed the mountain without the guide?
Who climbed without the guide?
Where did they climb?
How did they climb the mountain?
They climbed the Mountain without the guide, didn't they?