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Русский язык
14.03.2021 20:10 •  Русский язык

1. Выпишите предложения, где допущены смысловые, стилистические, речевые ошибки. 2. Исправьте ошибки в оформлении цитаты и запишите правильный вариант
Молекулярная кухня
Молекулярную кухню называют еще «вкусной провокацией», или, говоря современным языком, «разрывом шаблона». И неудивительно, ведь ее цель – не накормить, а удивить, восхитить, воздействовать как на организмы чувств, так и на эмоции человека. Даже номинации блюд молекулярной кухни впечатляют: кофе с чесноком, конфеты из печени. Как это у них катит?
Молекулярная кухня рассматривает продукты как сочетание молекул с определенными физическими и химическими свойствами. Повара делят продукты на молекулы и меняют их свойства, в результате чего появляются относительно новые по формации и консистенции блюда с необычными вкусами.
Это направление родилось в 70-х годах ХХ века, когда физик Николас Курт и химик Эрве Тис озадачились вопросом тесной связи науки и кулинарии. Само понятие «молекулярная гастрономия» Курт придумал в 1992 году. Он отмечал люди научились измерять температуру атмосферы Венеры, но так и не знают, из чего состоит суфле на их столе. Утверждение, конечно, спорное, но идеи ученых прижились и пошли в народ.
Первым блюдом молекулярной кухни стал мусс из белого шоколада и икры, рецепт которого был создан в 1999 году. Уже через десяток лет рестораны молекулярной кухни открылись практически в любом крупном городе. В отличие от обычных кафе и ресторанов, оборудование для нее напоминает скорее научную лабораторию. Здесь нет привычных кухонных кастрюль и сковородок, зато имеются многочисленные приборы, измерители, пробирки и мензурки. Даже плиты при приготовлении блюд молекулярной кухни используются не обычные, а конвертированные.
Молекулярная кухня использует все виды термической обработки и их комбинации. Повара-волшебники создавать блюда, сверху покрытые ледяной корочкой, а внутри абсолютно горячие, а еще сыр из миндаля, холодное мороженое из свеклы, вспененные грибы и пельмешки в виде хрустальных шариков.
Все эти ухищрения приводят к тому, что еда взрывается во рту, тает, резко изменяет свой вкус. Словом, посещение молекулярного ресторана превращается в настоящий аттракцион.

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03.01.2022 22:24


5 деепричастий: называя, желая, повинуясь, оступившись, предавшись. Образованы суффиксальным от глаголов.

Называ-я, жела-я, повину-я-сь - дееприч. несовершенного вида, суффикс -я-. Оступи-вши-сь, преда-вши-сь - деепричастия совершенного вида, суффикс -вши-.

Называя - деепричастие. Почитают (что делая?) называя. Н.ф. - называть.

Морф. признаки: несов.в., неизменяемое.

Почитают (когда?) называя - обстоятельство. (подчеркнуть "точка-тире")

В тексте есть причастный оборот "не стоящими похвалы", относящийся к слову "людьми" и сливающийся с ним по смыслу. Этот оборот входит в состав сказуемого.

В исходном тексте ничего не выделено, поэтому ответа на 3 задание нет.

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23.12.2021 17:09
ВОТ ОТВЕТ! ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character.
ВОТ ОТВЕТ! ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor coun
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